VROOM (Very Respected Officials of MiDiv), the MiDiv Road Racing Volunteer Program
The goal and objective of the MiDiv Road Racing Volunteer Program is to develop a long-range program that will be a factor in the retention and recruitment of volunteers for Road Racing Events in the Midwest Division.
How does it work?
Each Midwest Division (MiDiv) Volunteer gets 1 credit for each day worked at a MiDiv Division Road Race. This is reported by race organizers from each track to the VROOM chairs for logging. Discrepancies communicated are fixed as soon as possible. The points are also posted on the MiDiv.org website so that each volunteer can check his/her own points. Each volunteer working a MiDiv Road Racing event is automatically signed up for credits. Each volunteer is responsible to check that his/her points are accurate.
A catalog showing various wearable items is viewable through the MiDiv website. Redemption levels are as follows:
Level A = 3 Points
Level 1 = 8 Points
Level 2 = 15 Points
Level 3 = 25 Points
Gift Cards are also available upon request.
Rules and Guidelines (Effective 3/1/2020)
A. If a Member has not participated in a MiDiv Road Race or a stand-alone MiDiv Time Trial event for 5 years their points will expire effective 12/31/2020.
B. If a Member allows their membership to expire all points are lost. If they rejoin within one year, their points will be reinstated one time only.
C. If we lose a Member through death all points will be lost.
D. A member may wish to relinquish any or all of theirĀ points. If so please notify either Vicki Jarecke or Janet Berry at the contacts below.
E. Only MiDiv Region of Record members will be eligible for VROOM Point redemptions.
F. Points earned by a Trial or Weekend Member will be credited and eligible for redemption if the individual becomes a full SCCA member within one year. Otherwise all points earned will be lost.
Send the completed form via snail mail or email to Vicki Jarecke, 2632 W Mt Vernon, Springfield MO 65802, vickij******@**cglobal.net.